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Nature dance - dance nature

You are invited to a dancing adventure, the direct experience of the environment through the quality of being of the body.
The perception of moods & structures of the landscape, of fauna & flora and the elementary forces...
The natural ability to sense sensations in the body & to translate them into movement in an improvised way.
Nature, as a dance can be felt, is the playful research field in this play shop.
Instruments such as slow motion, eavesdropping & principles from Contact Improvisation serve as inspiration for sensual movement, bowing, dancing and an unbiased existence.
Since it is about improvisation, the critical, better-knowing & judgmental mind may take a back seat
and make room for an astonished liveliness.
Experience for yourself how it feels.
Serve the dance and the dance serves you.

I-motion playshop

'I stands for improvisation = to allow something spontaneous to arise spontaneously & e.g.:
organically, smooth, sensually, animalistic, elementary and enjoyably to move & let yourself be moved ...
Suitable for anyone who dares to try out perception and movement impulses and enjoys listening and being themselves & dancing in contact.
On this dance trip the body is allowed to give the input, it is like a gift of letting it happen.
If none of this tells you anything, it's like if you heard about swimming - how interesting it feels, but you can only experience it if you get involved and you feel what it feels like to be in the water.
You don't need any dance steps here to accomplish something.
It is possible to experience something here that you didn't learn at school and which gives you a sensuality and liveliness that may be familiar to you from your childhood and yet is unique every time ...
Let life dance you ...
Somatic self-experience in dance - with contact, improvisation, creative expressive dance, breath and voice.
Play & discover the sense of dance ... discover the meaning of dance ...
An experimental space to enjoy movement, encounter, calm, silence and sound. Listen to what may show: turn to the known and the unknown.
Notice how you feel life within yourself, what speed is appropriate for you and what can inspire you in the field of the group.
The improvisation of dance and movement can take you on a journey to feel, experience and be amazed.
Principles and impulses from contact improvisation & creative expressive dance invite you to research and playfully discover.

Taro Tikitiki

Hello and greetings
Contact Improvisation is a gift for me in that enables me to be playful to its and to follow the body’s impulses, to listen to the reflexe and to dedicate myself to improvisation. Try something that can be challenging, dare to show fear of doing it wrong. An attempt was made to use and enjoy the movement, to try out an interplay and to make it happen. For me, improvisation is among other things, the interesting thing about dancing CI, what kind of willingness it has or should feel like. Jams & festivals for CI & dance, sound improvisation cast a spell over me to discover and discover how one can inspire contact with improvisation & sound improvisation. How much is needed, how much is not and how often it is to see how unique each dance & jam is to be experienced. To play on a jam, there are a few principles I like to follow:
Dance yourself to get in the mood. Listening and perceiving had happened in the room. Let myself be inspired by the dance field to play, activated. Possibly underpinning a dance scene or emphasizing the atmosphere in the room. In the back of the mind, the dance room may and may have an interesting background noise even without obvious music. As with dancing, starting with a sound, sound and swapping wherever the journey may go and being ready to stop and see if the silent echo continues...